What makes New Books Network different?
New Books Network (NBN) is a podcast and audio library with over 120+ podcasts and a catalog of over 25,000 interviews. Each week, we publish about 80 interviews with scholars on everything from Ancient History and World Affairs to Film Studies and Technology. The mission of NBN is to create a full-fledged audio encyclopedia in service of public education.
New Books Network episodes feature over 500 different hosts committed to interviewing thoughtful scholars and authors. Our interviews are intentionally structured to be particularly valuable for those who are working as academic researchers or individuals who want technically rich summaries of fascinating books.
In this newsletter, we will highlight interesting interviews from our catalog, discuss the worlds of higher education, academia, and publishing, and feature new audio publications on New Books Network.
If you’ve just finished an exceptionally engrossing book, listened to a great NBN episode, discovered a new podcast, or stumbled across an interesting website, please email Caleb Zakarin (caleb@newbooksnetwork.com).