Speak UP! - Celebrating University Press Week
Featuring an interview with AUPresses president Jane Bunker and an NBN Book of the Day round up (Nov 6-12)
Happy University Press Week!
The New Books Network’s primary mission is to produce quality, in-depth interviews with scholars about serious and thoughtfully researched books. In practice, our hosts end up speaking mostly with authors of university press books. From November 13-17, NBN, in addition to over 150 member presses, will celebrate university press week. This year’s theme is #SpeakUP, and we encourage readers to use the hashtag to share their favorite university press books on social media. The Association of University Presses has put together a list of 103 publications that represent the very best of UPs, and we encourage you to check them out.
For a complete list of UP Week events, see here
For the gallery of 103 publications, see here
For the gallery as listed on Bookshop.org with buy buttons next to relevant titles, see here
LISTEN: Assistant editor, Caleb Zakarin, speaks with AUPresses president and director of Cornell University Press, Jane Bunker, about this year’s theme, all things UPs, and more. Listen below!
This Past Week
Monday, November 6: Why do we desire misinformation?
Tuesday, November 7: Who were the women spies of WWI and WWII?
Wednesday, November 8: How do we prevent torture?
Thursday, November 9: What’s the future of crucial, raw materials?
Friday, November 10: What impact did erotic fiction have on culture in the mid-20th century?
Saturday, November 11: Why have American leaders been so deluded when it comes to policy-making in the Middle East?
Sunday, November 12: What is the history and future of the Scots language?