Podcasting Pedagogy: NBN's Academic Partners
Our Academic Partners
The New Books Network is not a typical podcast network. Our hosts hail from all around the world and have significant freedom when it comes to which books they cover and which authors they interview. NBN hosts come from many different walks of (scholarly) life, but what unites them is a commitment to making information free and accessible. In addition to our standard channels that follow a book interview format, we also partner with scholars who make original content and conduct interviews on broader topics than just books. At this moment, we have 44 academic podcast partners. On our website, you’ll see our academic partners listed on the right side of the subject bar. Below, we’ve included a list of our partners. Give them a listen.
Interested in Becoming an NBN Host?
Are you interested in becoming a New Books Network host? Are you a professor, graduate student, or an expert in a particular field of study? Apply to become a host to help support our mission of creating a free and accessible academic library!