Give a Book, a Get a Book!
Robert Putnam’s now classic book, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, details the tragic decline of civic life in the late-20th century. Written in the 1990s, Putnam pinned a significant portion of the blame on technologies that kept people inside watching television or surfing the internet instead of heading to their local bowling alley or diner. Of course, these trends away from in-person engagement in favor of digital entertainment have only intensified in the last 25 years.
While the internet is an incredible tool for knowledge dissemination and even connection (the New Books Network being just one tiny slice of the pie), there is nothing quite like meeting face-to-face with people for real, unmediated conversation. For these reasons and more, we’ve decided to host a meetup on June 3rd in New York City.
Entry is free! All you need to do is bring a book and be prepared to swap it with another guest. Several of our press partners have also generously donated books, so no one will leave empty-handed.
This book swap will likely be the first of many. Down the road, we hope it can serve as a model that can be replicated in other locations, bringing people together to meet fellow bibliophiles and lifelong learners. The meeting location is TBA, but expect it to be somewhere in Manhattan’s East Village. We will also have some (very limited) free swag and giveaways. It will be lots of fun and a great place to meet NBN hosts, guests, and listeners.