Channel Spotlight: New Books in Critical Theory
Every week, we’ll feature an NBN channel, along with a playlist of some of our most popular episodes. This week’s channel is New Books in Critical Theory.
Eva von Redecker, "Praxis and Revolution: A Theory of Social Transformation" (Columbia UP, 2021)
Richard J. Bernstein, "Why Read Hannah Arendt Now" (Polity, 2018)
Matthew McManus, "The Rise of Post-Modern Conservatism" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020)
Mark Neocleous, "The Politics of Immunity: Security and the Policing of Bodies" (Verso, 2022)
Vivek Chibber, "Confronting Capitalism: How the World Works and How to Change It" (Verso, 2022)
Sianne Ngai, "Theory of the Gimmick: Aesthetic Judgment and Capitalist Form" (Harvard UP, 2020)
Todd McGowan, "Universality and Identity Politics" (Columbia UP, 2020)
Graham Harman, "Architecture and Objects" (U Minnesota Press, 2022)
Nina Power, "What Do Men Want?: Masculinity and Its Discontents" (Penguin, 2022)
Ben Burgis, "Give Them an Argument: Logic for the Left" (Zero Books, 2019)